Posted by: noadventure | June 21, 2011

Beauregard’s Castle

Editor’s note: This week’s NOadventure is the second one by Slices of America blogger Taylor. In this adventure, Taylor and and his friends made it to a Civil War era ruin in two 1-man kayaks, but with 3 men. The boat relay across MRGO proved to be successful, despite a  run-in with Wildlife and Fisheries officials.

Read the whole story by clicking on the quote here:

“Chris and I noticed a seemingly misplaced structure on the distant horizon. It looked like many of the forts in the region, but I knew nothing about one in this area. Once home, a few seconds of research revealed that this was Fort Proctor, a ruined civil-war era fort reclaimed by nature and only accessible by boat. Ruins only accessible by boat? Can you imagine a more titillating combination of words for a kayaker? The seed was planted. I simply had to get to that fort.”


  1. So awesome. I did that exact run. We just went around Grande Isle and were followed by dolphins the whole way. We are also putting together an experimental kayak trip from fort Monroe to fort pike. Let me know if you are interested. I have the boats trailer and all Kayaking gear. It is going to be in the few weeks.

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